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about me
Name : shumin/min/jass

Age : 18+

D.O.B : 18/11/88[scorpio]

Sch : Chongfu sch, Orchid Park sec, ITE College east(simei)

Affiliations : True grace presbyterian church Zara

Day of happiness 15 june 06 a normal gal living in tis world, Every person in tis world are special in God's eyes we come to this world is to fulfill God's will in us, after we have done tat is time to go
back to his sides and enjoy e greatfulness he had save for us in heaven:) So every body should look forward to these day!

people i love
|*Amy(my lover)*|
|*Chew Chee*|
|*Chicfeet Production*|
|*Diana 2nd blog*|
|*Li Juan*|
|*My Family*|
|*Siew fang*|
|*Yuan Ling*|
|*Wen Hui*|

all thanks to dear

get driving license
get a Pro.make-up artistry diploma cert

x[March 2006]x
x[April 2006]x
x[May 2006]x
x[July 2006]x
x[August 2006]x
x[September 2006]x
x[October 2006]x
x[November 2006]x
x[December 2006]x
x[February 2007]x

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Thursday, February 22, 2007
9:27 PM
Everyone has their own rite to love a person.. is juz which person u fell in love deeply.. if u didn't fell deeply in love wif the person who fell deeply in love wif u alr.. wat can u do? get all these sucky comments? izzit fair? world can nv be fair! juz blame on fade.. arghx!
OKAY OKAY! stop all those sucky comments.. everybody dun wish to start a quarrel juz like tat rite? its sound so freaking childish la.. we are all grown ups.. so should noe wat to do rite?..

Thinking of closing down this blog.. cuz i totally have no time to blog at all.. sry to all the readers..
OR maybe i'll still continue to blog.. juz see how it goes alright:)

Working at Zara life isn't easy as i can say.. if u are races, u'll definetly hate it.. At first they treat new comers like ONE KIND.. but anyway i'll still continue to take up this challenge.. be'ços of my future.. i've to work hard.. if nt my dreams will nv come true..
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. *

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
7:49 PM
lately been watching some lasbi movies.. so far 2 girls in love ad better than chocolate is the best movie ever, and e ending her actually allow them to be together.. oh my.. so touching...

acc dearly to work, but b4 tat we grib our lunch at Subway.. okay its our first time eating so we didnt noe how to order, lyk sua ku..keke.. but but.. nt onli us, a bunch of youngsters behind us oso dunno.. and the food name is italian.. we got no ideal how to pronounce it.. the waitress oso hard to serve us..
hmmm...Delirious meal.. went shopping didnt intend to get bikini, cuz dearly is lenting mi. but in e end i still bought it.. nvm.. dear we wear together lor.. ok tats for today:) will update soon!
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. *

Thursday, November 16, 2006
12:23 PM
Ytd nite had problem with my family.. cry myself to slp.. there is always unsolveable problem among us.. haiz.. cheer up!! hope everything will end soon or say solve it soon.. juz leave everything to god..
today eyes soo swollen:(.. look soo ugly lor.. tot today got 2 test IGV and M8.. but luckily onli M8 test.. i studied ytd nite knowing there is 2 tests today but dunno wat am i studying abt which sub.. juz study wat ever notes that gave it to mi..
today morning lesson was cancel.. can wake up late..ok got to stop here..
continue my busy journey...
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. *

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
10:23 AM
Happy 5th month anni to U!..

ytd my sis and bro make mi so grief lor.. Cannot stand them play like as if they going to make the house over turn, beat each other ect. Worst den a kindergarden.. Ytd sch was okay.. but our class include mi strongly disagree to the tests given last min. Most of the class wrote petition as some of them didn't write, cuz scare creates troubles. Today all class representive have a meeting with the director, as our class dina is representive going to bring out this topic, and hope this problem would solve asap. Because sch is giving us alot of tests in the veri last min, even the notes is last 3 days distribute. In the veri beginning of the module sch's stated tat here is no M8 tests for us, as mainly is to forcus on our porjects ONLI. but now these words are turn into tin ash, they taking back their words and gave us a big tests. It realli stress mi up.. when will this end? i'm so tired of life sometime..
Today we have adventure rope, its a class activties. Hope we will enjoy it. got to go watch my show!
Ended here... to be continue...
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. *

Monday, November 13, 2006
2:50 PM
Finally finish my M8 project le.. wat a great relieve.. its been month nv really relax myself even got go out play but there is still burden and tots abt my projects.. now left M8 tests and one more IGV project 2 need to do and study leJ
r class have class excursion, got a retire man come to our class to give us a adventure knowledge.. like how to study the map and how to read the compass.. ai ya.. i have totally no interest in it, still give us a big map.. good quality paper somemore.. waste of paper and ink-.-''
On our way while in the bus my classmate damn funni.. nobody wanna listen to the old man toking.. everybody in the bus is eating and pass tibits ard, and i'm down there drinking lotsa water cuz i'm sick:(
When we reach there drop off the bus haven 5 mins, its starts raining.. rain more heavily.. till the old man asked us to go back to the bus.. and this time jac pray hard that continue rain and rain heavily.. ya god heard her prayer.. den the old man decide to go back to sch.. Some of them including mi and her drop now at Vivo City.. Spent my rest of my day there..jac, yuanling she and mi went window shopping awhile.. there is a shop called Mother Garden, I simply love the things inside.. i wanna a small coach from there..
Dear and mi catch a moive ltr in e evening.. Flush Away! haha lame show..
ya so that e day!

work the whole day with my sis and Yan.. we were like slacking the whole day la.. we take turn to slack keke.. at nite dear come find mi at my work place and i got another chance to slack again.. dear bought a polo tee for mi.. Thanks dear:)) while choosing my polo Yan called mi say the head department come.. WTH man! but i still take my time went down to the "Bao Today" but tian sum to eat.. wa wait veri long lor.. got another call my sis say the head manager wait veri long.. ok she help mi wait for my damn food.. went up act veri clam as like nothing gonna happen.. cuz Yan told him tat i went down to buy food.. but when i came up my hand was empty.. bo pain.. food too slow to let mi bring up.. Luckily he nv ask anithing juz wan mi to make my log in thumb print.. So the day was save..

wake up early in the moring to repack alll my things again.. Clean my table, bed, and clean up my whoel house..
At evening my dad drive us to cause way to get my old phone repaired.. need to wait for their call to get back my hp.. went to shop around and headed home..
Wat a good gal i've been for tat day keke;P

After church went back to causeway wif my mother to buy things.. Didn't feel like going out tat day.. since she dun wanna come out.. Mother help mi cut my hair.. hmmm.. and tats it for e day..
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. *

Friday, November 10, 2006
3:31 PM
Its been long time since i update.. arghx! My life so sux, bloody hell difficult.. I dun wanna think much, and neither should i bother much.. the more i bother the more life difficult for mi.. ok i have struggle finish my M8, 3D and flash project1.. i've done a lousy work for those 3.. i'm not tat type of "liao" for this kinda thing.. no matter how much effort i put but it still turn put to be a lousy work.. compared to others.. haiz..but aniway i feel alot comfortable after finish up all those work.. oh ya! i juz bought a new hp.. K618.. hmmm.. even this itsn't the dream fone, but nvm.. fone is only temporay.. ok right now i'm doing report.. got to continue.. will update again when free..
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. *

Thursday, October 26, 2006
11:34 PM
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*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. *

10:52 PM
Life is full of ups and downs, Sometimes you juz dun get wat u have planned for and sometimes u get too much from war u have asked. i've learned gain courage and confidence to face all difficultites and challenges in my life.
Flower blossoms and flower fade like the daily life I spent on this earth. I began to realize wat come will eventually go. I have learned to cherish every sigle moment of my time spend with my love onces and friends. As most of those beauitful moments can onli be remembered when time passed by.
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. *