*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
6:37 AM

Feel so tired going to sch.. today nv go mr yup class.. when to do my lab4.. didnt noe so difficult.. b4 haven start.. think was so easy.. intent to start late.. now we r rushing lyk siao.. at the last lesson.. chewchee let mi watch a korea MTV, the title called b'cos i am a gal. but the comp jus not happy wif mi.. until tat part where the gal watch hair for e guy.. den restart again.. we tried 5 times le.. always stop at the starting part.. i was lyk saying.. maybe is juz the fact.. haha:D.. after tat eileen open the MTV for mi.. but tis time is without e song.. :( so not tat touching le.. they say until lyk will cry lyk tat.. watch finish le.. wow so touching.. but i nv cry lei.. cuz with out e music.. onli chewchee's comp got music.. after sch went to cafe 1 wif em.. haha.. having fun beating each other breast..-.-'' after tat.. go home.. when i go down of e bus walking.. suddenly got a great feeling.. found out tat i miss him sooo much.. so i called him.. at home play game! dunno wat is he thinking.. haiz.. he got my cough.. but seems worse den mi..who ask him come near mi:p hope he get well soon:)
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
11:12 AM

Y is there ppl behave and acting so secretive.. y cant they tell their "sercret" behind us.. y muz infront of us.. n act so yaya.. if u dun wan us to know den please dun say something infront of us.. getting so pissed off.. this is a kind of respect should give others.. we dun deserve this respect? feel so unimportant to tis world.. seems lyk most of e ppl are lyk tat.. tired.. Is there aniways to slove tis kinda problem? Has been coughing for more den one week.. feel so sick.. today.. after sch stay back to do out DMT lab 4.. our group is the worst in class i think soo.. ppl start present.. we haven even start our premier.. sooo.. we ask teacher to give us more time.. we crash into rachel's class.. their class is even slow den us.. ok.. at least we start something.. after doing.. we go eat lunch.. is our late lunch.. after tat we go orchard.. on our way.. in e bus we were soo noisy.. got one mad guy from our sch..behind us c us soo noise he act on to the noise by scratching the window and break the handle of the chair.. we were soo stuned by his action.. intend to sit to bedok.. instead we drop at tanah merah.. siao! joan, qi n mi go eat ring for our frenzship.. e ring is so ex.. omg.. after tat qi and mi n some of her frenz go watch movie.. "YOURS MINE &OURS" its a great show! i like the kids inside.. after tat.. we went home.. tat time late le..
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
10:09 PM

ytd.. was a tiring day.. i was so happy tat dear will acc mi to dance.. so i prepare veri fast.. intend go eat breakfast b4 going to dance.. so we decided to eat near his house there..n i reach the market at 9.25 lyk tat.. but he haven even get out of his house.. after 15 mins i called him again.. he said juz came out from toilet.. ok nvm.. call him to be quick.. if not no time to eat.. cuz my dance start at 11am.. i wait and wait.. until 1015 den he reach.. so means late.. cant eat breakfast.. we takeaway from mac.. i felt so silly waiting soo long juz for him to sent mi there.. nvm i am used to it le.. we had some arguement.. its all abt our opion for some stuff is dirrerent.. feel so tired.. in e end i give in to him.. at evening went to shirleen's 21th birthday party at her house.. she is dear's bro's gf..-.- b4 we go there we go surbabe shop buy her present.. heard tat there got discount 30%-70%.. but turn out not everi thing got discount.. after e party his dad sent mi home.. so peiseh..
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
8:50 AM

haha.. first time blog sia.. i am so lazy to create all these stuff.. All thanks to joan for heling mi in my blog.. Thanks joan MUACKZ! :) Feel free to tag my blog ah!
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
3:37 AM

Wat a day!
these few days seem like alot of ppl having serious problem.. so do i.. but my problem will nv solve.. haiz.. when could i stop this kinda problem.. and god really trying to show mi something or juz playing wif mi.. ever since stead wif my bf.. the trend of breaking up couple will start after dunno how long my frienz around mi will break and will have a moment those who are single will attach again..and is not 1 or 2.. n is most of my friends.. its been the routin again and again.. buy my relationship at these time will be stable.. will feel so sry for em.. love is really unpredictable.. and i wanna tell chewchee and wenhui tat dun be sad.. u can find mi out and i will lent u my shoulder to cry on.. perhaps i will cry wif u too.. Every thing will be fine after sometime..haiz.. i noe my spiritually life is so down.. i feel i am serperate from god.. and i am guility of tat.. but i juz cant get close to him i dunno wat thing i dun wanna face him..its so comlicated.. soo.. i wanna serve him.. tats y i serve in children ministry..
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.