*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
11:33 AM

Blood boils
Hear my heart pulsating
This hatred running throu my veins and my brain calculating the paces every time u treat mi lyk tat
Why, why do i hate u?
Am i to blame?
As long as she gets the hell out of this
Since young she always drilled a hole in my heart every time she's not happy with mi
Drained all my happiness and joy away
I want to confront u,
Throw my hand at ur face
I did not do all these is cuz i still respect u as a mother though u didn't respect mi at all
All along u have no right to treat mi lyk this
When the anger finally comes out
I don't know how will it become, to picture a person dead
U have angered mi enough
And u'r not around to hear
So i'll leave a message in e wind
To land on ur foot one morning
Two simple words worth absorbing
I'm tired of angry
really need some break
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
10:45 PM

<Nafa Test Day>
wake up as usual.. reach inter in time.. gd job for mi! seldom so panctual de.. today jess nv meet us she got something on in e morning.. so meet qi n dear.. first lesson was boring second lesson was boring too... finally break.. our MDP lesson for tt dae was cancel due to nafa test ltr.. our nafa test start at 2pm.. we started our 5 station.. our first staion was sit-up.. every body was cheating including mi hehe.. sec station was standing broad jump passed quite fast.. as in we didnt realli waste our time lyk in e 1st station.. but jac hurt her whole arm.. her hand was "tuo juo" is quite disgusting cuz her hand swell until veri big.. n can feel e bone..eeeeeee* hair stand* next we shift to 3rd station was pull-up.. omg hand pain when do tat.. i cheated abit.. teacher saw.. sway lor.. so was minus of 3 pull-up.. after tat we move to 4th station is shutter run.. my staminar really drop.. we nv take 5th station.. dunno y.. but heard tat gonna take it on e next SW lesson..
after everything was our 2.4km run.. arghx.. hate running.. wat a toture.. b'cuz of the running i got sorethoat after tat.. think is lack of water alreadi.. still run dan over dyhrated.. after everything i go to meet my sec friends.. doris, rachel, irene and marina..when to eat dinner at northpoint food court.. chit chatted alot.. long time no c alot of things to tok n grossip abt.. keke.. after tat we went to take neoprint.. we spent 30mins to take one neoprint.. cuz e machines spoil wait for aunty fix it.. while waiting we took alot of photo in hp.. den kena scold n we still continus our photo taking we like playing hp hide n seek wif tat aunty.. whole process was damn funny.. keep on disturb each other.. we went home after tat.. reach home around 10pm..
+Happy 2nd Month Anniversay To my Precious Dear+
wake up in e morning first thing notice tat i cant move my leg cuz its too hurt.. feeling lyk sittin a wheel chair for today.. but anw.. i'm so happy today cuz gotta meet her soon.. meet her 9am at yio chu kang mrt.. was late.. over slept abit.. sry dear.. went to bodok to eat our first meal.. we burget so went to princess watch movie.. "My Super ex Girlfriend" show was quite funny.. hmmm okok la.. not as funni as "click".. finish watch.. heading back to sch.. was raining at tat time.. veri cool.. haha we both share 1 jacket haha.. she was shivering i could feel it beside mi.. haha... we went for MDP lesson from 1-4.. but can go off early lyk 2.30.. but i didnt.. cuz i got 100 logo awaiting for mi to create them.. after lesson went to tem inter to eat sweanson.. we were so funni inside e restruant.. should say self entertain ba.. we spent 1 hour plus eating.. order lotsa food but too bad our stomach no more space for ice-cream le.. she sent mi home.. we slept on e bus.. when i wake up tat time i notice my sorethrat got worst.. is lyk going to lose my voice.. so pain man.. arghx:( hate it.. i had a nice dae after all..
thanks to dear for the sweanson i'll treat u back once i got my first pay:)
oh ya.. got into P.O.A at marina square.. hope everything will be fine for my first day:)
Hold u tight, nv let go of u!