Friday, September 29, 2006
2:37 PM

ytd went health promotion board wif chix feet crew, sirton n miss chris.. everybody wear appropriate except eileen seldom see her so formal.. hehe.. but i can say is nice la.. after the meeting they bring us to library to let them search on the info... ended up we play ard wif the machine there.. measure blood pressure, height n weight.. yay! i'hv lost weights le.. after tat.. everybody went ahead on their own business.. den the rest of us eileen, diana, jess, dear n mi.. dear suggest to chinatown tem market to eat.. Yummy! had our sumptuous meal.. and booked a room at kbox at 5.. so we rush there in few mins time.. we sang our lung out tat whole evening.. there kinda cold n not much cuztomer.. we were the most noisy once down there.. after tat dear n mi headed home she sent mi till yio chu kang n headed home.. cuz her mother was not happy le.. n the rest of them went to shop ard in chinatown.. in mrt saw birdy n her bf, she kinda bad mood so didnt tok to her much.. reach home ard 10 plus.. chitchat on fone until 12 plus n went off to bed le..
today gonna slack at home the whole day n do my project.. M8 sux.. is so stress doing all these..
gonna miss u badly.. i'm counting down the day we can meet again..
lao gong i'm missing u badly alr..
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
9:40 PM

Being molested by a boy today, NA BAI!
my mum call mi to bring her bag to mrt station for her juz e time i going to sch to do my project. reach mrt station, veri crowded, got a boy ard sec 1 or 2 walk passed mi veri quickly n his fcuking hands cannot keep to himself.. juz right i walk pass him he stick out his hand n touch my *pp.. I faster trun back stare at him n i pointed my .l. middle finger immdiately.. and he ran off.. told my mother abt it.. and my mother starts to panic.. not long after he appear again.. first thing i do i went up to him was abt to gave him a tight slap my mother stops mi.. damn it.. my mother keep on scolding him.. he mouth lyk kenna sew or something dunno how to open n tok ar! guilty izzit!
NB! He so horny rite better go drill a hole n Fcuk URSELF dun go ard touching ppl! n he's so superfluous abt sexual stuff go read up science or something get some educated knowledge into ur damn brain. so young be a molester liao grown up be rapist ar? upgrade?! this kind of ppl should burn in hell forever! Most guys in this world live for lust..
4 words for the Fcuking boy GO AND DIE BA! LOSER!
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
8:22 PM

ytd have a date wif dear, she came down to meet mi and as usual she late i even late.. but nv let her wait too long la.. headed to grand cathay to redeem our free movie ticket, hehe we were so lucky n got another card tat says weekdays buy one ticket get one free.. dear go redeem her membership card for two.. after den shop ard, she saw a specs having promotion n she likes it alot. after tat went to ms we were thinking of walking there, but scare lost our way so intend to take a bus there dear so funni.. she go chase the bus but didnt manage to catch it. Outside MS they r distributing balloon and tissue juz nice we nv bring much tissue.. dear dear take e tissue and keep den go to next person and take again haha den i oso go take balloon.. went to my work place to give something. got a bad news.. haiz.. after tat dear went to go interview nike shop hope she'll get in.. went to grab a bite at secert recipe chocz n chocz that all we order.. its so yummy!
We headed back to cathay but still left one hr for our movie.. so we go grab food again.. ate mushroon n chessy crip at shinlin.. we watch haunted apartment.. the ending is abit les but i lyk it:p its so creepy.. after movie we shop ard orchard saw denielle n her gf, she veri k siao.. dear sent mi hm.. reach home abt 10 plus.. good girl!*give a pack on my shoulder
i lost a give tat she gave to mi on our 1st month anni, got to find it.. on phone wif her until 1 n be my usul pig le...zzzZZZ!
wake up as usual early.. after church went hm staight dun feel lyk going out..partly is dun have the mood.. miss her badly.. hope everything between us will be great and fine.. everytime saw her i feel so threaten as i'm scare the way she toks, see, n disturb her.. i felt so small lyk an ants, when it happen infront of mi.. cuz i feel tat i'm e 3rd party or something.. she use to lyk her alot n longer den mi.. i cant even compare to her in everybody's eyes she love her alot in e past but y does we got together? am i e extra? or she takes mi as her.. i dunno..doubting her.. in everyone eyes she's sooo charming n great.. whhole world seems to like her alot.. i'm juz a ordinary girl, dump sometimes.. n think if she were to be wif her think she'll be more proud of her den being wif mi.. i''m juz an extra...
i love u alot but i'm juz cant get the truth out of my eye.. i done my veri best to let u have my best.. feel gd abt myself when alone wif u.. enjoy every moment we spent.. but when meets up wif prob i'll become too enervated to resist.. sorry!
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
9:44 PM

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs, Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protacts, always trust, always hopes. always perserveres.
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
Friday, September 15, 2006
11:30 AM

I made a bottle of sand for her ytd nite.. inside got e sands from the beach we went b4 on our 1st month is at east coast. Still rmb tats our first time stay over nite together, veri memoriable. Hope this is a surprise for her.. i ytd afternoon bought a cute bottle den after work reach home decore the bottle n put sand and everything inside make until veri late 1 lyk tat slp.. But as long as she likes it, i dun mind doing all these.. ytd sch was stressful cant finish my 3D project on time, thanks to dear help mi burn this morning.. after work went straight to work, quite relax there as working with therena and jonnna. I took my shop t-shirt to wear while working, e patten veri cute. worked 3hrs time fly passed fast as we chated alot things, feel more relax at work. not much customers to served.
Next week will be our dance competition le.. Hope we can make it to the finals and everything goes smoothly! May God bless us for our whole process of practices and performance, i hand all this in ur holy hand, In jesus name i pray, Aman!
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
4:37 PM

Is so stressful in sch ytd. i wrote the whole script myself, with abit of help from dear.. thanks dear. Hardly breath cuz its too stressful. In M8 lesson, we were suppose to hand up wateva we have done for our logo. We handed up 2 pieces of paper, winston did not agree to our logo:(, he said we r not putting enough affort and deprove our standard. haiz. after a lecture from him, we got more stress, cuz we didn't noe wat is our forcus, and can't make up our mind. haiz:(
Look like a spikey hedgedog.
Sound like mi banging on the table.
Taste like old mouldy bacon.
Smells like old ppl breath.
Feel like going to explored anitime soon.
After sch, dear & mi didn't noe where to go since we ended sch abit early. After all arguements n discussions, we decides to go near my house there void deck slack n chitchat. reach home ard 8. alot of ppl in my house, all r my sis's church friends. They came up to give her a birthday surprise, they bought a big cake along. haha i reach home juz nice they finish celebrating her b'dae. Btw, her b'dae is not on tue, is on wed.. bath, eat, use comp awhile and chat on phone wif her awhile n went to dreamland early cuz too tired.. light off at 10 plus.
Lesson actually starts at 8, BUT i'm too tired n hand a hard time getting out of my bed, struggling n rolling in my comforatable big bed, n decided to msg dear tat i'll reach interchange at 830. went to Mr Ong lesson, n we took the time to draw our damn logo, wondering when will we finish our logo. realli veri sien le. i gtg. going to prepare my video project3 script, its killing mi!
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
10:39 PM

Had a wonderful day wif darling.. meet up wif her in e afternoon.. wanna see her badly, we were heading cineleisure.. on our way i saw my ex.. he was alone.. n he give mi a eye contact tat make mi feel guilty suddenly.. i shell not think too much as i alr have a wondeful gf now.. when we juz step out of somerset mrt station we notice is raining heavily outside.. is raining too big tat we cant possibly run thou to cine.. so we went to john little next to mrt station.. search up n down in n out of the whole buliding for one damn umbrella.. ok finally we manage to dig out.. so we headed to cine.. at first we were thinking of eating pasta mania there.. but it seems not enough time for it.. as out online booking movie starts at 3.15pm n cuz of e heavy rain n e waste if time fiding umbralla we reach there abt 2.45pm lyk tat.. so i suggest to go emax look around.. in e end we took neoprints there.. e machines there is cool man.. n have lotsa props for us.. was thinking of wearing haha but dear find it silly.. so okay i dun mind not wearing it.. n u noe wat! e machines there speaks ENGLISH! tat was awsome! normally take neoprints, i can hardly understand all those japanese language.. n usually i will guess de.. oh ya! there got free lamitaion n provides e-mailing all those photo to u.. cool rite?
We catch "snake on the plane". I love e way they film it, and this movie make mi scold alot of vulgarity.. cuz its so er xin.. oh man.. make mi no appitite.. after movie when to shop around heeren, raffles city, wisma n finally we gribbed our food at wisma there.. After eating she suggest go e fruit i hate alot but its my fav. place to hang ard "durian shell"..We spent our rest of e time at the splendour of the scenery.. n we self entertain.. we play games n alot of our silly reaction all come out..retarted us.. We both laugh out loud there.. disturb dao other couples kissing haha.. we left there early cuz e next day i still got work have to rest early.. dear sent mi home.. n got myself into bed as soon as i reach home..ZzZ
The saddest of all was how neglect had stung the hearts
I dun blame cuz tats e fact of our lifestlye
Onli can accecpt n adapt it
cant convince ppl tat we'r in love
for mi being untended in front of ppl, wat remains is this memory we've got inside my heart.
photos we took at emax..
*A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.